Wednesday, August 14, 2013

February Value Idea Contest Opens; The First $1,000 Award Announcement

GuruFocus' Value Idea Contest is on again. Do you have a favorite stock you know is a good value deal? Submit your analysis of it and post it under "Value Idea Contest." Our judges will select the most thorough, compelling and well-researched value investment idea and present the winner $500.

If an idea doubles within a year, the contestant will win more. This month, GuruFocus is awarding author Jean-Francois Nobert (Ecotycoon) $1,000 for his idea, Research In Motion (RIMM), which doubled since he submitted in July.

Learn more about how GuruFocus judges submissions, or read former contest submissions, in July's winner announcement here.

These are the articles that were submitted in July, to give you an idea of the level of analysis you should aim for:

Time to Buy Research In Motion? RIMM
Supervalu Is a Super Investment Value SVU
Aflac - Value Idea Contest AFL
Applied Materials offers stability within the volatile tech sector AMAT
RIM Success Lies in Paradox RIMM

Qualified authors will also receive $100 per submission. The submissions will be evaluated monthly. The deadline for each month's submissions is the end of the month. Please submit here.

Top 10 Financial Companies For 2014

Related links:RIM Success Lies in ParadoxJuly's winner announcement hereTime to Buy Research In Motion?Supervalu Is a Super Investment ValueAflac - Value Idea ContestApplied Materials offers stability within the volatile tech sectorPlease submit

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